How concept maps can be immersive

In this post I’ll talk about some rather simple immersive tools. They have to do with what knowledge is about, with visualization and non-linear thinking and presenting. Do not fear: there’s no need for high-end graphics. The elements on which this simple immersiveness is based are non-linearity, interactivity and visualization…. Continue reading

Second Life cohort will augment online seminars with virtual spaces at #PLENK2010

This is the virtual reading and meeting room for the connectivism courses in the virtual town Chilbo in Second Life. As pointed out in a comment on my previous post, there is a Second Life cohort (group PLENK2010) getting ready to experiment and a wiki has been launched. One of… Continue reading

Time for our personal learning environments #PLENK2010

It’s that time of the year again I start asking myself whether to register for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” again. I did so previous years, and even though I never managed to follow-up on the activities till the end, I always learned stuff and… Continue reading

(Archive) New Connectivism “Course” in the making

 (Archived post, 2-26-2009) (Global map of the connectivism & connective knowledge course. Flickr picture Fleep Tuque, Creative Commons License) This year there will be once again a Connectivism Course, starting in September. Last year Connectivism and Connective Knowledge was a twelve week course that explored the concepts of connectivism and… Continue reading

(Archive) Connectivism Course in Second Life

(archived post, 8-25-2008) I signed up for the Second Life Cohort of people attending a course about Connectivism. The social tools used as well as the content of the course seem very interesting. The content: allow me to quote the course wiki: Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week… Continue reading