Yes, we all have time to blog

People often complain they don’t have  time to blog. This week I’ll have two seminar opportunities to try to convince people that even very busy people can blog – provided they are ready to change some daily work and life routines. Journalists and students amaze me when they appear at… Continue reading

Second Life cohort will augment online seminars with virtual spaces at #PLENK2010

This is the virtual reading and meeting room for the connectivism courses in the virtual town Chilbo in Second Life. As pointed out in a comment on my previous post, there is a Second Life cohort (group PLENK2010) getting ready to experiment and a wiki has been launched. One of… Continue reading

Time for our personal learning environments #PLENK2010

It’s that time of the year again I start asking myself whether to register for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” again. I did so previous years, and even though I never managed to follow-up on the activities till the end, I always learned stuff and… Continue reading

(Archive) Connectivism Course in Second Life

(archived post, 8-25-2008) I signed up for the Second Life Cohort of people attending a course about Connectivism. The social tools used as well as the content of the course seem very interesting. The content: allow me to quote the course wiki: Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week… Continue reading