A course about connected learning

This seems to be a fun course coming up at connectedcourses.net:

For Fall 2014, our major focus is on running a course for developing and teaching connected courses. The course is designed and taught by faculty from diverse institutions, some of whom are the folks behind successful connected courses such as FemTechNet>, ds106, phonar, and the National Writing Project CLMOOC. You can find the syllabus here, and the people involved here.

I have no plans for ‘developing and teaching’ connected courses, but I’d love to learn more about the principles of connected learning and the values of the open web – and this course will be very much about these topics.

Another thing I do like is the team facilitating this course. It can be interesting to participate in a more institutional MOOC, receiving the top-down knowledge from a rock star professor, but here you have a whole bunch of rock star experts who facilitate a learning process, which in my experience is almost always more fun and rewarding.

The pre-course is open now – with valuable comments about blogging – and the course runs till December.

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3 Responses to A course about connected learning

  1. CogDog says:

    Glad to have you aboard, and certainly there is much to gain (and contribute) just for the concept of connected courses, it need not be for people who want to build them. This experience will knock your ordinary MOOC out of the water 😉

  2. tellio says:

    I hope to learn much from just hearing you think out loud about the connections in your own head much less the connections outside. I think we have a lot of rockstar teachers and learners involved. That really excites me. I will be watching your space.

  3. CogDog and tellio: thank you for your reactions… I really like this notion of tinkering and narrating the tinkering as a kind of deep learning-experience. Even though the tinkering is at times very frustrating, most of the time it’s fascinating and rewarding!

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