« A day of remembrance


10 years after 9/11

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0 Responses to remembering1

  1. Prokofy Neva says:

    I don’t find Prof. Castronova charming — I find him scary, as I’ve noted in my many critics. Basically, he wants to use the addictive power of games to reach people viscerily through their autonomous nervous system, and control them in real life in the same fashion. I find that Orwellian, not innovative and exciting. He wants to gameify many things that aren’t games now in the belief that you will not capture people’s involvement because they will all escape to virtual worlds.

    And for someone who titled his book “Escape to the Virtual World” he’s sure backpedalling now on the concept of “escapism”.

    I’m failing to see how “escapism” and “finding a refuge” are really ALL that different. Sure, I realize “escapism” sounds like fantasizing being an elf all day or having cybersex with ballerinas who are really truckers in real life and then of course wasting your time in some grand sense. But…finding a refuge? That’s nearly the same thing. Science and art aren’t refuges; they are spheres of human activity in real life that pay them money, or contribute to culture and knowledge. We can’t yet make that claim for virtuality.

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